
Pakistani Bridal Dresses


The Difference

DREAM designs are simple, classy, sophisticated and above all very wearable. A combination of cut and embroidery gives style but it should be wearable too. DREAM focus a lot on finishing which is so important.


DREAM design their cuts with people from real society in mind and not just models. DREAM should not accentuate our heavier parts. Instead of wearing a close fitted shirt which mostly does no good for our appearance, Dream must try to wear clothes which make you look smart and in control of yourselves. As for many of my clients, I am very critical about how they dress. I would never sell an outfit if it is not going with their personality. In fact, I groom my clients too and sell an outfit which suits them best.

Color palettes

DREAM do not follow a particular norm, instead DREAM go by the International fashion scene and moods. As long as an outfit is beautifully tailored, finished well, uses a good fabric, it is rated high on the selling scale – color is no criteria.

About style

Basically a person is born with it. You cannot acquire it. It is within you and style is reflected outwards. Yes, a person can groom oneself and look stylish & trendy but style is really something you are born with.